Rider Responsibilities
- Be ready 30 minutes before pick up time.
- Watch for the bus.
- To call to cancel at least one hour in advance. A day notice for out of county would be appreciated.
- To not eat, drink, or litter in vehicle.
- To not smoke in vehicle.
- To not use profanity.
- To wear your seatbelt.
- To treat driver and other riders with respect.
- To schedule rides which you intend to use.
- To pay your fare for each trip.
- To bring only as many bags as you can reasonably carry.
- To report any safety or security issues to the driver.
- Provide 1 week notice for out of county trips.
- To leash or cage any service/comfort animals.
- To practice good hygiene and wear protective garments as needed.
NOTE: We reserve the right to refuse service to any person for any reason which may hamper our ability to provide service to our many patrons. This includes repeated no shows, hygiene and abusive or inappropriate behavior.
“No show clients will have to call the office to verify any trips scheduled before we will dispatch a vehicle. We reserve the right to bill for “no shows”.
If your service has been suspended, you will need to reschedule your reservation.